Meet Cecilia Freeman, Client Service Coordinator 

Cecilia Freeman joined our team in February 2024 as the Client Service Coordinator. In our office, she manages client calls, provides support in coordinating our events, and assists in document creation. From our ongoing educational events we host for clients, to learning how to best assist families with their needs, she loves focusing on the particulars of a job. 

Cecilia’s True Purpose for Life is helping people connect with one another and serving them to make their situation the best it can be. Her relational giftings, along with her analytical skills, add strength to her administrative skills. The brand values Cecilia embraces most readily are Family and Coaching. In her words, “Family is important because I understand what it’s like to have it, and to be without it. Community is essential to life; without it, we suffer.” For Cecilia, Coaching is helping people move to their highest potential, even as they are still discovering their purpose and vision. 

Prior to joining our team, Cecilia has had extensive experience working with various non-profit organizations, handling operations, development, community relations, and event planning, as well as several years working in the financial planning and human resources fields. Outside of work, she loves spending time with her husband (Jeff), daughter (Jessica), son-in-law (James), and especially her 3-year-old grandson, Liam. Her favorite movies include the entire series of Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park, and Jaws. She loves to laugh and have fun and enjoys a well-written story with a great ending!